Monday 2 November 2020

How to play Tennis

 Tennis has been around since 1873 and was introduced by Major Walter Clapton.


Tennis can go for a long time. When the pro players play tennis it goes for hours. Sometimes it can go for 5 hours.

How many people you need

For tennis, you can play singles: that is when you play one person. But you can also play doubles: that's when you have a partner and you vs two people.


-Tennis court

- Two tennis balls

-two tennis rackets

How to play

To start the game you need to serve. Serving is when you throw the ball up and hit it in the service line. Then the other player hits it back and the game starts.


There are different types of styles to hit the ball. You can do topspin and slice. Topspin is where you hit the ball and it spins forward and when you do a slice it spins backwards.


When you serve and get the point you say 15-love then when the other person gets the point you say 15 all. when you get another point you say 30-15. The scores go like 15 love, 30 love and 40 love. If you get the next point you win the game and there are 6 games in the hole game. If you get up to 40 all in singles its called juice and if it singles its long juice and if its doubles its short juice. If its doubles and you are in juice and you win the next point you win that game. If its doubles and it's singles and you win the point it is vantage to sever and if you get the next point you win the game. But if the other person gets the point snd you are serving you say vantage to reserve.

Today we are teaching people how to play different sport. Some people are doing league, rugby and soccer. Lots of sport but I am doing mine about Tennis the hardest was bit was writing it into my Chromebook because my back hurts when I lean forward.

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