Thursday 24 September 2020

Camp recont


Day 1

For camp, we went to Bridge Valley. in the car was Kohen, Harrison, Dion, me and mat which is Harrison's dad. He is really nice he bought us food and drinks. It took 4 hours to get there. When we got there it was 11 and everyone was tired. We sat on the court with our bags. we got send to are cabins, and in our cabins was Harlem, Dion, Keil, Aaron, Gus and Keils dad. I was on the bottom bunk and Keil was above me.

One of my favourite activity was archery and I was the only one in my activity group to hit a bullseye. And another favourite activity of mine was abseiling at first it is scary but then you trust the rope and do it, But I couldn't keep my feet flat on the wall and I slipped and hit my knee. I didn't even know that there was a scratch on my knee until I finished abseiling.

We had tea in a huge hall there was lots of food but some nights there was some bad food and some good food. One time night we had nachos and that was yum but I didn't like eating my greens.

When we had to go to bed Gus was talking all night and Harlem and Gus snored all night and one night i only got like 5 hours of sleep

Day 2

One activity we had to walk on a rope to the other side. this activity had a lot of teamwork we had to balance our team on a big piece of wood and it was hard.

We had free time so I explored the place there was a huge playground and pond and to slides went into the pond. The whole place is huge all the activities are there, and I think that this was the best camp in the school.

Day 3

Today our activity group did kayaking I didn't have my togs on so I only went kayaking for a little bit. I was lucky because Slade tried to tip everyone's kayaks over

Next we did top team there were 4 little activities, the first or was that we had to walk on a barrel but there is two people next to you to help you. I fell 2 times we thought that it was the first team for everyone to do it, but it was how many times you do it in 2 minutes. The next activity was we had a tube with holes in it and 3 people had to run to the lake and get a bucket of water then go back and put it in the tube. our team won that round, nexted out team had a huge skee and we had to go like 4 metres, our team was not that good at it, everyone was like "LEFT-RIGHT" but some people were confused and we lost. And our last activity was where we had 3 planks of wood and we had to make a bridge past a trash can and back I was last to go so I had to take he last plank and pass it to the front. There was a rule that if you put our plank over there's they can't take it so I had to be careful. I was still on the plank and they took it so i think that we should have won because I think that they cheated.

Day 4

The last day we were supposed to do a thing called iron man it is where we had to do all the activities. I think that we are lucky because we didn't do it we just went home. we went home at 12 and in the time that we had, we played a game. I forgot what it was called it was something like fresh. Q thought us about the game the rules are hard. There are two teams and there is a line that the teams are behind, and when the first person goes over the line they are the freshes on the field, but when someone else goes on the field they are the fresher than the other person that is on the field, and when you get tagged you go to the other side on the cone and you put your foot on the cone and you can make a line to your side of the felid. That's the game that Q taught us and after that, we went home.


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