Monday 21 January 2019

You are my Sunshine


  1. Hi Liam!

    You have come up with some great ways to stay safe in the sun this summer! So important to know, getting sunburnt is horrible!
    Have you been sunburt before Liam? ...very painful!

    Sun block is really important in New Zealand, it's so harsh in the sun over here!
    I had a friend visiting from America once and he didn't believe me when I told him how strong the sun was... He learnt pretty quickly and became the sunblock timer reminding everyone to reapply! :)

    When I was little it was a pig that used to talk about being sun smart and he usd to talk about "slip, slop, slap and wrap" - Do they still say that in school?
    Here he is if you want to check him out (Very cute):

    Awesome work Liam!

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)

    1. yes I have been sunburt before on the shoulder it hurts!

  2. hi laim do you have eny mean pepol at your scool


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