Thursday 20 December 2018

The Secretive Skink


  1. Hi Liam.
    i like how you have layed out your work it looks fantstic! And the colour you've used makes it really pops out!
    The only thing i would like you to change for next time is maybe make your font BIGGER or change the colour while its over the red.

  2. Hi Liam

    Being a DOC ranger is a great way to help the environment and the animals that live in it. It would be great to be able to help species from becoming extinct. Living on Great Barrier Island would be ok. It really is a beautiful place. I am sure that you would be able to leave when you were not working so that would be ok.
    I think if I was a ranger I would like to work with the Kakapo and the Kiwis. Not sure I would like working with skinks!
    What animals would you like to work with if you were a ranger?

    It's great to see you using images to illustrate your blog posts. Every time that we use an image on our blog, it's really important that we tell our readers where we found it, and give credit to the owner of the picture. To properly credit a picture you will need to include a link to the site where you found the image. We have created a guide that you might find helpful. You can check it out here:

    Well done Liam, keep up the good work.

    Until next time

    Allie :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.