Friday, 13 August 2021
smart goals
Monday, 24 May 2021
Kiran Read
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
Borris Johnson, in full Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, born June 19, 1964, New York City, New York, U.S., American-born British journalist and Conservative Party politician who became prime minister of the United Kingdom in July 2019.
Who built Borris house,1731 Constructed in the Tudor style, Borris House was built in 1731 by Morgan Kavanagh. It is the hereditary home of the MacMorrough Kavanagh family, former Celtic kings of Leinster, and the famous 12th century Kavanagh Charter Horn remains on display in the house today.
Boris Johnson has taken a pay cut of more than £670,000 a year, the biggest financial hit to a new prime minister.
Today we did current events, that's where u have 20 questions to answers, and all the questions are on the news so we get the answer from the news.
Tuesday, 13 April 2021
World war 1
Morse Code
.-- .... . -. / -- . ... ... .- --. . ... / .- .-. . / ... . -. - / -... -.-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . --..-- / -.. --- - ... / .- .-. . / ... .... --- .-. - / -... . . .--. ... / --- .-. / -.-. .-.. .. -.-. -.- ... / --- .-. / ..-. .-.. .- ... .... . ... --..-- / .- -. -.. / -.. .- ... .... . ... / .- .-. . / .-.. --- -. --. . .-. / --- -. . ... .-.-.-
what this message means, When messages are sent by Morse code, dots are short beeps or clicks or flashes, and dashes are longer ones.
Today we are doing three activities and they are about ANZAC the ANZAC used it when they went to war when they were on the boat. the easiest thing was typing in the message. The hardest thing will be probably writing the caption witch is what I am writing right now.
Lydia Ko facts
Monday, 12 April 2021
Maori Contingent
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Friday, 26 March 2021
Rap Song
After video questions
Compare and Contrast
potentail vs kinetic energy.
The hardest thing was trying to find a spot where there was no one speaking and another thing was trying to find a rubber band.
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Qininney's Bush, You Went Where
Quinney’s bush
Every year our family goes to Quinney’s bush, we go there after Christmas so we go after boxing day. Quinney’s bush is a campground, there is a skate park and a water slide. There are lots of things to do there. I mainly go to the skatepark and play basketball.
When we get there my mum and dad have to set up the tent and normally I race off with my friend, so I don’t have to help set up the tent. Before we go to Quinney’s bush I get money out so I can buy food at the shop every day I get an ice block and some lollies. Quinney’s bush is in the Tasmin discredited.
Basically every day we had hash browns because I love having hash browns. We normally have it for lunch or tea because I have weetbix for breakfast. When we have hash browns I have it with bacon and eggs. I like putting the egg on the hash browns and then cutting them up and it tastes really good.
When me and my friend go to the skate park and play basketball a lot of people want to vs us and we do and we have a close game with them but we still won. At the skate park, we have big games like 6v6. It doesn’t sound like a big game because the court is small and it is mixed up with the skate park.
We stay at Quinney’s bush for new years, we stay up all night waiting for the countdown and we have a music boom all night. All the time we get a warning about the music being too loud and we have to turn it down.
Quinney’s bush is an excellent place to camp and to have lots of fun and get together with your friends and experience the exciting things there like going to the swimming hole, going down the slide, playing on the tyre swing and lots more and that’s why we go there for New years.
A week ago we did You went where, that is where you pick a place that you have been in the holidays. I did Qininneys bush because I go there every Christmas holiday. I liked doing this because I really like Qininneys bush and I like going there every year. there wasn't really a hard thing about writing this because I know everything about Qininnys bush.
Friday, 19 March 2021
Energy Moblie
Today for our t- shaped literacy, I did it with Harley, we did a mobile about energy and the energy forms we did were nuclear, kinetic, potential, and wind power. It was pretty easy to make because there were 2 of us. The hardest thing was cutting out the cardboard and putting the string in and tieing it up to the mobile
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
LR Kawa of care
Monday, 22 February 2021